Friday 10 February 2012

Back home after part B

Well I can’t say Steve was looking forward to going back to hospital,
After just feeling a glimpse of normality during the second week after part A – it was time to tackle part B of his vigorous chemo routine.
The day before it was to start, he had a second try with the support therapy - Mabthera (a highly recommended treatment that he unfortunately reacted to last time)   
This time however it was a success – a great start to the week,
The doctor said the part B should all go quite smooth with no major problems anticipated.
All started well – in fact like the first round, he was talkative and enjoying company (to help pass the time)
Steve was looking forward to Alfredo and Harold visiting on the Wednesday afternoon
But come Wednesday at about 3.30pm, just when we thought it was safe – Steve unfortunately had a bout of the sicks
We discovered that unfortunately the morning nurse had forgotten to give him his anti – nausea medication so he was not feeling the best...
Alfredo and Harold - expecting a nice afternoon out – got more than they bargained for!
However it didn’t take long to sort out the situation and by that evening he was feeling much better – so it was great that Alfredo could enjoy a visit after all...
The rest of the week went well and we’re now home.
He’s got the right anti nausea tabs for home use - so that part is sorted this time...
It’s mainly now the fatigue that starts out quite crippling then slowly improves as each day passes.
Steve is approaching this tough process with amazing spirit.
Many of your messages have indicated his good nature, determination, positive attitude and fun and loving approach
And you probably won’t be surprised to know that all of these have existed throughout each day.
He’s got a job to do and he’s going to do it well (are these words to a song??)
Just on songs, he’s been listening to plenty and he’s also taken up ‘words with friends’.
When SLB1956 is back on line we know his fatigue is on the improve!
Thank you all once again – keep the messages coming – he loves to hear them
PS I think the comments section works now!


  1. Good to hear the treatment is going well! I'm allergic to Maxalon as well! After an operation a few years back they gave it to me and I was very very sick. Take care! Praying for you every day! Xxx

  2. Hi Trish & Steve_ Yes, seeing Harold and Alfredo makes me sick too!! Great to hear that you are coping so well Steve. Thinking about you ALL the time.....feel the love... Toni and Alfredo xx

  3. Hi Steve & Trish, Great to hear you are coping so well. Knew you would!I admire your strenght and courage. I'll call to see when we can visit.
    Maria & Andrew Sbroiavacca

  4. Hi Steve, sending all of our love and prayers! So glad to hear that other than minor hiccups, everything is going well! Stay positive and know that many people love you and are sending you all of their prayers and positive energy! Love the Piantadosi Family xxxx

  5. Hey! I mastered it. Here I am guys blogging to 2 gorgeous people. Your time to smell the roses, or if you have a garden like mine, the occasional daisy. As kindred spirits who have risen to past health challenges Trish, I know Steve is in very caring hands from a wonderful understanding and loving wife .... and family. Thinking of you all with much love.
    Awkward blogger, Gaynor

  6. Hi Steve.
    If you get a word with friends request frrom Jack & Charlie it's me! My dog's names :)
    Much love
