Wednesday 4 April 2012

Home in time for Easter

Well it was a long week in hospital for Steve but he is finally home.
Such a lot happened throughout that time - Steve went through a roller coaster of tests, bloods and procedures.
Bottom line his temperature was due to a bug his body got from the chemo but fortunately he responded well to the antibiotics.
His low blood levels as a consequence required lots of support – thank you all you blood donors!
We were a bit concerned he would miss the window of opportunity to catch his stem cells that was a procedure planned to take place at the QEH on Friday.
It wasn’t until the following Wednesday that his body was actually in the perfect state for the procedure so although a few days late, they successfully collected an abundance of stem cells that will be frozen for a rainy day.
So last night he came home and he had his best sleep for weeks!
Despite what feels to be a rocky road the doctor reassured us he is doing extremely well.
As per his usual form, Steve has tackled the challenges with strength, courage, humility and humour – and right now as I write this I can hear him chatting to someone on the phone with lots of laughter in between!
He’s really happy to be home in time to enjoy Easter with family.
By the way thanks everyone for your messages – we may not respond to them all but we are certainly receiving them with much appreciation,
Thanks again


  1. Tricia this is great news ....I can hear Steve laughing in my head as you write!

    I'm so glad to hear that you are home together for Easter. There's no place like home. We look forward to seeing you when the time is right.

    We love you Mel Den and Thom xxxxxxx

  2. Hi Tricia and Steve,
    So pleased that you are healing and getting stronger every day Steve. Lovely that you are home to enjoy Easter with your family, keep getting better, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
    Kay and Don xx

  3. Wonderful to hear he has high spirits... and that he was able to be hope to share Easter with you all .... I am looking forward to hearing more good news about his ongoing recovery to wellness love Kristen xo xo
